A new bird

This morning I spotted a bird I don’t think I have seen before. Or if I had I would have mistaken it for a cormorant. It has that same hanging out the wings to dry pose.

This bird is a male Darter. The long thin beak and the light streaks on the wings are the distinctive features. Unfortunately my photo was taken at such a distance that you cannot see very much.

It has an amazing long neck which it was able to twist right round and preen its back feathers with that long beak.

Seen on the lake at Candlebark Walk Reserve, Croydon Hills. This lake is formed from one of the creeks that form the headwaters of Jumping Creek.

2 thoughts on “A new bird

  1. Jenni Strachan

    Interesting bird, I haven’t seen one either. We have, along our river, 2 types that look like yours, black/white and all white with very long beaks, they build their nest on floating logs.

  2. Vireya

    Well spotted! I didn’t know the difference between a cormorant and a darter, but had to go and read up on them after reading this post. Now I am prepared for future Field Nats outings!


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