Self sown

This tree planted itself alongside the driveway.

After a year or two I thought I should find out if this was a good thing or not as this spring it is growing vigorously.

Having determined that it is probably a Desert Ash, a plant formerly used for street trees but now regarded as a pest because it reproduces so readily, it has to go.

This little tree planted itself in a pot next to the front steps.

In the pot next to this one is a tree that self planted a few years ago and it is now time for it to move on. Both are from the Lemon Scented Gum, easy to identify by the shape and smell of the leaves.

The new location for this plant is obvious, down the drive in the recently vacated space.

While autumn is a better time to plant native trees, a week of forecast rain and daily monitoring as I collect the morning paper, it should be ok. Good luck little tree.

Here is one from the same source I planted ages ago, growing straight and true.

2 thoughts on “Self sown

  1. Jenni Strachan

    Now I know what that little tree that is growing by our side door is…..I keep pulling it out but it keeps growing….Desert Ash.


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